Prompts for the week submitted by Urwah (and a great way to review the Era of Good Feelings / Monroe Doctrine!):

* Was the Monroe Doctrine essential to its time or do you believe it should have been proposed before? Was it even necessary?

* Do you think that the U.S proposed it for their own benefit and not for South and Latin America's protection? Do you think it was right for them to intervene?

Remember to respond twice, once to the original prompt(s) and once to your peers.
Discussion Prompt #1: How do the documents Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence represent the sentiments of the American colonists in the years 1763 – 1776?    

Discussion Prompt #2: Is this Declaration something that all colonists can rally behind in support? What changes would we make to ensure that ALL Americans are represented by this document?    
As we all know Christopher Columbus- in his quest to get to the East Indies sailing west- accidentally came upon the shores of North America. This accidental discovery of Native land eventually led to 'Founding the New Nation'. If Christopher had not unintentionally found The Americas, what do you think would have happened? Even if another English explorer had found it, do you think that all of the events that led up to the American revolution would have taken place? 
Please post any questions, concerns, or technical issues you have relating to "At Home" Lecture #1.
We as humans have always found it difficult to accept things that seemed different in any way. If the natives had not appeared different from the colonists outwardly but instead had the same fare skin, and similar clothing, do you think that the colonists would have changed their approach? Do you think that the natives would have changed their approach? If yes, what in particular do you think would have changed in their actions? keep in mind that only outside appearances would be the same, not cultural beliefs. 
If you were to meet John Smith during the 1600s and you knew the conditions of the Jamestown colony, what advice would you give to John Smith or the colonists?  If you don't have an advice what would you compliment them on, or even talk about? Would you consider the rights of the Natives if you were an English colonist?
 Imagine you were either some native or at best, Pocahontas. If you saw the people of Jamestown settling in what's basically originally your land, would you be willing to interact with them and help their colony or not? Explain and use evidence from the book to support your opinion.
1) I personally believe that history has repeated itself. That once a country is vulnerable, they wish for peace, but once their forces are strengthened, they become power hungry. Do you think that the issue between the Natives and the English was over power over the land or the cultural differences between the two?

2) When the Natives went on killing sprees and invaded Jamestown and killed the colonists, Wingfield should have taken the gentlemen immediately and trained them as soldiers. By late august of 1606, almost half of the colonists were dead because he never acted on the murders. I believe that the power of presidency should not have been granted to Wingfield (or anyone) until the colony was completely stable. Even then the powers of government should have been split among the congressmen. Do you think that ruling powers should have been given to one president (starting with Wingfield), or should have power been split among the congressmen of the colony?
What would happen if the settlers in Jamestown really did scare the native tribes instead of following the Virginia Company’s order? Would they take advantage of the fact that the natives were scared of them and use them as slaves (replacements) for of the gentlemen who didn’t want to work? Would this have change the way they lived in Jamestown? Would this have changed history?
Smith although is given importance in history his efforts weren't given importance at the time. Why did they even choose him to be on the council when they knew he would be looked down upon. Also the people that shun him are reliant on him later. Why do you think he does that why doesn't he do just for himself and act condescending? If he hadn't done what he did would we be where we are today?